Exploring the Wonders of Palworld – Is This Normal?

Dive into the mysterious world of Palworld and find out if the unexpected encounters are just part of the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Pals in Palworld can be quite surprising… like stumbling upon a monster nest!


  • Uncovering hidden mini-events adds a new layer of excitement to Palworld.
  • The unique behaviors of different pal groups create dynamic gameplay experiences.
  • Players love the element of surprise and exploration in the game.

Exciting Discoveries

“This is probably a monster nest you’ve stumbled onto, about ten normal pals, one alpha, guarding a nest with eggs of that pal. Normally they’d agro soon as they saw you but since it’s night they aren’t.”

Egg-citing Adventures

“I had something similar happen on the new island with a group of Prixters. I didn’t realize there were eggs nearby though so I killed all the regular sized pals, caught the alpha, and left.”

Unexpected Finds

“I found the one on the island with the new pal, didn’t realize this ‘nest’ thing was a new normal mini event you could come across with any pal. That’s awesome!”

Community Speculation

“You haven’t changed the spawn rate?”