Exploring ‘Valorant Baddies’: Gamer Lingo or Opposite Sex Quest?

A user's intriguing request sparks off a hilarious conversation in the Valorant forum.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Into the Valorant battlefield, a comrade was lost… and then found again. D1ll0n, our protagonist, after a brief sabbatical from the game, returns with a peculiar quest. He’s tracking, of all things, fellow gamers with beautiful voices, or as he so eloquently puts it, Valorant Baddies.


  • Valorant’s diversity in players sparks off a humor filled conversation.
  • Some believers validate D1ll0n’s unusual query while others offer opposing advice.
  • A variety of humorous and pointed responses illuminate gamers’ views on social interaction within the game.

Lost in Translation

While D1ll0n’s post instigates a lively conversation, he also inadvertently flirts with language barriers. As one user opines, he thought D1ll0n was attempting to spell ‘buddies’ and had merely missed an alphabet. Oh, how the profile of a Valorant player expands!

Real World vs. Virtual

Amidst the humor laced tangents, a few champions of reality surfaced. One comment enlightened, ‘turn Valorant off and go meet people’. While another user suggested finding Valorant Baddies in the wild by tracking them from internet cafes. Regardless of stance, this debate evidently highlights the collision of these two worlds.

The Bait-&-Switch

Despite the post’s inherent humour, some users twirled the conversation to the age-old bait-&-switch tactic. In the anticipation of a question about improving gaming skills, some found a surprising turn with D1ll0n’s actual query. One user drolly commented on his prior assumptions and subsequent epiphany.

Good Games & Good Companionship

Amidst the chaos of the Valorant battlefield, a user finally says what most gamers feel, ‘Get good, chicks will come play with you’. Perhaps it’s a simple undeniable fact or just an extension of the gaming community’s inherent spirit of camaraderie and competition.

While the quest for Valorant Baddies continues, players might have realized that the conversations that transpire within forums can be as entertaining as the game itself. So, will more comics, philosophers, and real-world pundits join the ranks of our beloved Valorant community? Let’s keep watching those comments roll in!