Fan Outcry: Who’s Really to Blame in Brawl Stars’ Recent Controversy?

Brawl Stars fans clash over responsibility in an in-game situation: Who's at fault, Mortis for the trick shot, or the unsuspecting Colt?

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent controversy has revved up the Brawl Stars community: a scenario unfolded where two players, Mortis and Colt, found themselves in a sticky in-game situation. LIke a coiled spring, fans have sprung into debate over who’s at fault.


  • The overwhelming sentiment leans towards Mortis being at fault for losing a clear scoring opportunity.
  • However, a minority does put the blame on both Mortis and Colt for their lack of coordination.
  • Fans argue that trick shots are unnecessary and often result in missed opportunities.

Blame it on Mortis

In a heated discussion, users like MetaGear005 and atypicalreddituser42 firmly lay blame on Mortis. They argue that instead of going for an easy score, Mortis chose to perform a trick shot, failing and thus leaving the team high and dry.

Trick Shot or Not?

In arguing against showy trick shots, Masterdizzio labels them as ‘lame as hell’. He believes that Mortis should have taken the shot instead of attempting a flashy move that led to the loss. This sentiment is reiterated by Skeleton_Gangster_TV, who points out that Mortis was in a prime scoring position and squandered it needlessly.

The Others

Not everyone places the blame entirely on Mortis. ChocoMonster0203 feels that both Mortis and Colt are at fault for not coordinating better. Meanwhile, in an out-of-left-field comment, BenjiAbi simply exclaims ‘Teenage mutant ninja turtles’ – presumably because they never go for trick shots and always get the job done!

Overall, this lively debate among Brawl Stars community members illuminates the importance of precise timing and coordination in gaming, and the risks of sacrificing winning for showing off your skills. Mortis, perhaps this is a lesson for us all!