Fan Reactions to Fortnite’s UI Update: A Rollercoaster Ride

Unearthing the community sentiments towards Fortnite's latest UI overhaul from a popular game thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

The ever-dynamic world of Fortnite recently stirred up its fan base with the new User Interface (UI) update. While some players embraced the changes, others aptly voiced their disappointment.


  • Varied reactions to the new UI amongst Fortnite’s diverse community.
  • Majority of disgruntled voices miss the simplicity of the old UI.
  • Some Fortnite players appreciate the modern, upgraded look.

Arising Discord

Removed from their accustomed game environment, players released their resentments. One fierce critic, FeetYeastForB12, lashed out on the forum expressing sheer disinterest in customising or creating new customisations due to the perceived ‘hideous’ UI,

Countering Feelings

Despite the evident backlash, not every player is on board the negativity train. One particular user, Chance-Order-5385 argued that the overall sentiment seems like an ‘overreaction’ considering this UI is an ‘upgrade’ from the former.

Awaiting Updates

Not all hope is lost, as the Fortnite community looks forward to exciting new updates. The anticipating player, Skelibutt contributed that the ‘next Tuesday is the next update’, replenishing the optimism amidst the uncertainty.

Responding to Criticism

Some users, however, demonstrated a more lighthearted stance. WIZZYtheWIZARD123 playfully mimicked the exaggerated reactions towards the UI update, “Oh no, a design for the locker overview is bad, can’t play this game anymore”.

Indeed, the great UI debate uncovers the passionate spirits of the Fortnite community, eager for their voices to be heard, appeased and the game they love to continually evolve.