Fan Theories: True Identity of Genshin Impact’s Anemo Archon

Join us as we take a dive into the community theories surrounding the true identity of Genshin Impact's Anemo Archon.

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Portal Staff

In the thriving and ever-evolving world of Genshin Impact, The_Great_Ravioli stirs up a captivating theory. Claiming that against the game’s direction, Jean – and not Venti – is the real Anemo Archon, this theory takes an intriguing spin on the narrative structure of the game.


  • The proposed theory challenges the game’s narrative by replacing Venti with Jean as the Anemo Archon, igniting an exciting discourse among fans.
  • While it offers a new dimension to the beloved Genshin Impact universe, it also fuels creativity and imagination among fans, adding to the game’s overall appeal.
  • The engaging community response reflects the depth and richness of the game’s lore and its impact on the fanbase.

The Unexpected Twist

The_Great_Ravioli’s assertion that Jean is the real Anemo Archon takes an unanticipated turn away from the game’s storyline, which suggests Venti as the Archon. It revisits the significance of Jean’s leadership over Mondstadt and recontextualizes her role into a more divine light. His assertion that Venti’s vision rids him of being an Archon while Jean’s ‘fake’ vision solidifies her stance furthers fortifies his theory.

Community Response

The reveal fostered an animated conversation among fans, with responses ranging from agreement, humorous takes, and to skepticism. For instance, user BlueRose644 concurs, humorously claiming that Jean’s call to Barbatos is an empowering self-pep talk. On the contrary, drowning-in-dopamine directs the real anemo archon’s title to Stormterror, citing that Archons cannot be human.

The Underlying Significance

This theory symbolizes much more than an exciting what-if scenario. It also brings forth the game’s capacity to inspire creativity and drive engaging conversations among its vast community. Reflecting on its lively multiplayer format and extensive lore, theories like these integrate seamlessly into the fabric of the game’s appeal.

Diving into Fun Theories

While the unquestionable fun in envisioning alternate narratives is undeniable, the essence of these theories lies in their potential to enrich the user experience. For instance, when user PossibleUnion554 amusingly presents Glory as the Anemo Archon citing her wind-based abilities or when Ferochu93 lists unique alternate Archons, they carve a layer of participation that extends beyond the game’s direct narrative.

In the end, whether Jean truly holds the title of the Anemo Archon or if the identity lies with another character altogether, is up to individual interpretation and in-game revelations. Nevertheless, one thing’s for sure – the vibrancy of imagination and rich lore this game inspires among its fans will continue to fuel engaging discussions and theories.