Fantasy Living: Best Places to Live in Faerûn – Baldur’s Gate Edition

Explore the fantastical realms of Faerûn with a community discussion on the ideal places for residence in the Baldur's Gate universe.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant world of Baldur’s Gate, denizens discuss their dream living locales.


  • Residents appreciate the peace of the Myconid Colony.
  • Waterdeep stands out for its beauty, culture, and the presence of Gale.
  • Reithwin offers hope after the shadow curse, contrasting the chaos of Baldur’s Gate.

Myconid Dreams

RoosterCapable3167 finds solace in the Myconid Colony, drawn to the peaceful ambiance and unique inhabitants like Blurg and Omeluum.

Waterdeep Oasis

sawbonesromeo extols Waterdeep’s virtues, citing its beauty, cultural richness, low crime rates, and the allure of Gale’s company.

Reithwin’s Redemption

RelativeCelery8 expresses a longing for the restored beauty of Reithwin post-shadow curse, shunning the dark atmosphere of Baldur’s Gate in favor of Halsin’s insights.