Feeding Frenzy: The Mystery Diet of Genshin Impact Samurai

Genshin Impact subreddit dives into a humorous debate about the surprisingly sturdy physique of samurai.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Genshin Impact, there is one jarring question that has left the gaming community scratching their heads: What on earth are they feeding these samurai? A recent online discussion has brought this humorous inquiry to the fore, sparking playful theories and cheeky takes from a wave of players.


  • The robust build of samurai characters in Genshin Impact sparks playful debates among players.
  • Fans jokingly theorize on the samurai’s unique diet.
  • Some allegations include steroids, fallen comrades or, the most wholesome (and likely) option, a whole lot of rice.

Amusing Theories

Commencing the debate, player True_Motivati0n playfully suggests the samurai have been feasting on the ‘flesh of their fallen comrades…and a whole lot of rice’. Indeed, a diet of dedication and a mountain of carbohydrates might just be the secret to their formidable stature. Who knew?

Not to be outclassed, Biggest_Dori_Fan went straight for the jugular and cut no corners, believing the samurai have been hitting the steroids. Well, it wouldn’t be the first time game characters have faced such accusations!

Dynamic Perspectives

On the flip side, a user going by Chaosphoenix_28 makes a sharp observation that while the samurais are growing strong, Sayu might have been missing out on whatever nourishment the armored warriors have been getting. This sarcastic jab raises an interesting point of discussion on character build diversity in the game.

Art-Games takes a more laid-back view, stating samurai strength is more about mental fortitude than physical prowess, suggesting the ‘power of themselves is nature for them.’ A deep thought, but we’re here for the laughs, mate.

A Final Thought

In a comical twist, tokeiito14 proposes the samurai is simply ‘three kids in an armour set.’ This wacky perception definitely ends our discourse on a high note!

So there you have it, folks, the definitive guide to samurai dietary habits in Genshin Impact – filled with much speculation and a generous helping of humor. In the end, we might not know what they’re really feeding these samurai, but one thing’s for sure, it makes for one entertaining debate among fans. And hey, if it helps us keep slashing through foes and exploring new worlds, we’ll take it!