Fextralife: Death Knight Boss Guide – Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Death Knight Boss Fight

Learn how to defeat the Death Knight boss in Elden Ring with Fextralife's guide. Avoid his grab attack and use heavy hitting attacks to stagger him.

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In the video titled “Death Knight Boss Guide – Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Death Knight Boss Fight,” Fextralife provides valuable tips and strategies to defeat the Death Knight boss in the game. Located in Fog Rift Catacombs, near Castle Enus, this boss requires careful observation and precise timing to overcome.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Pay attention to the boss’s attack patterns, especially the delayed third attack in his combo.
  • Avoid being grabbed by the boss, as it will heal him for a significant amount of health.
  • Use heavy hitting attacks or jumping attacks to stagger the boss and interrupt his combos.
  • Dodge through the boss’s lightning dash attack instead of away from it.

Boss Attack Patterns and Strategies

The Death Knight boss follows a specific attack pattern that players need to be aware of. He usually performs two quick attacks followed by a delayed third attack. To avoid getting hit, players should roll twice quickly and then wait a little before performing the third roll to dodge the delayed attack.

The Grab Attack

Around 60% of the boss’s health, he will attempt a grab attack. It is crucial to dodge this attack because if it connects, the boss will regain half of his health. Players should be prepared to react quickly and avoid being grabbed at all costs.

Staggering the Boss

The Death Knight boss can be staggered by using heavy hitting attacks or jumping attacks. Light attacks are not effective in interrupting his combos, but heavy attacks can break his rhythm and provide opportunities for counterattacks. Timing is key when attempting to stagger the boss.

Dodging the Lightning Dash Attack

When the boss’s health is low, he may unleash a lightning dash attack. It is crucial to dodge through the boss instead of away from him during this attack. Dodging away will result in getting hit, so players should position themselves to let the boss pass through them.

Mastering these strategies and understanding the boss’s attack patterns will greatly increase the chances of defeating the Death Knight boss in Elden Ring. Good luck!