Fextralife: Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Ulcerated Tree Spirit Boss Fight Guide

Learn how to defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit mini boss in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree with this comprehensive guide by Fextralife.

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Griot the NPC

In the video titled ‘Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Ulcerated Tree Spirit Boss Fight Guide’, Fextralife provides a detailed walkthrough on how to defeat the challenging mini boss found in Bellat Tower settlement. The video offers valuable tips and strategies to overcome the boss and progress in the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Avoid getting grabbed by the Ulcerated Tree Spirit, as it deals significant damage.
  • When the boss charges up for an AE flame attack, it is advisable to run as far away as possible to avoid the damage.
  • Stay close to the boss to easily dodge and counter its attacks.
  • Be cautious of the boss’s flame breath and sweep attacks, and adjust your positioning accordingly.

Understanding the Ulcerated Tree Spirit Boss Fight

The Ulcerated Tree Spirit mini boss in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree can be challenging to defeat, but with the right strategies, players can emerge victorious. The first tip provided by Fextralife is to avoid getting grabbed by the boss, as it inflicts heavy damage. The boss typically performs a flip before rushing at the player for the grab. By dodging the initial grab and positioning oneself behind the boss, players can freely attack without worrying about subsequent attacks.

At around 60% health and at random intervals afterwards, the Ulcerated Tree Spirit will charge up for an AE flame attack. This attack summons pillars of flames around the boss, which can be dodged. However, it is easier to simply run as far away as possible to avoid the damage altogether. Players should then return to the boss to resume the fight.

It is recommended to stay as close to the Ulcerated Tree Spirit as possible during the fight. This allows players to dodge into the boss and through its attacks, staying on top of it and maximizing attack opportunities. When players get too far away, they may have difficulty landing hits and become vulnerable to the boss’s tail swipes and other attacks.

The boss also has a flame breath attack, which players can take advantage of if they are positioned close enough to land free hits. However, if players are far away, it is advisable to run out of the cone of the breath to avoid taking damage. Additionally, the boss performs a sweep attack that transitions into a double axe handle. Players can dodge this attack and counter with their own attacks if they read the boss’s movements correctly.

Lastly, the Ulcerated Tree Spirit has another sweep attack involving its tail and head. By successfully dodging this attack, players can seize the opportunity to strike back. It is important to try and dodge towards the boss whenever possible, as this sets players up for counterattacks and keeps them in a favorable position.