Fextralife: Unveiling the Mystery of the War Surgeons in Elden Ring

Discover the secrets behind the enigmatic War Surgeons in Elden Ring and their role as ruthless assassins on the battlefield.

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War surgeons in Elden Ring are military physicians who assist those on the battlefield, offering mercy through a final deadly thrust to end mortal suffering. Fextralife’s video explores their origins, attire, and connection to the Lord of Blood’s deity.

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Key Takeaways:

  • War surgeons are military physicians who bring a swift end to mortal suffering on the battlefield.
  • They are ruthless killers disguised as men of compassion, wearing distinct white attire and masks.
  • The Lord of Blood’s deity, the Formless Mother, shares their bloodlust and kidnaps war surgeons to bestow power upon cursed blood.

Origins and Attire of War Surgeons

War surgeons are known as Mercy Killers and are said to assist friend and foe alike in the prolonged agony of mortal wounds. They wear white attire, including bloodstained gowns and gloves, and don distinct white masks with a faintly grinning face.

Role as Ruthless Assassins

War surgeons use pointed daggers, such as the misery cord, to spare the fatally injured and deliver a final deadly thrust. Their medicine of mercy on the battlefield acts as a catalyst for bloodlust, a desire shared by the Lord of Blood’s deity.

The Lord of Blood’s Deity and the Cursed Blood

The Lord of Blood’s deity, known as the Formless Mother, craves wounds and bestows power upon cursed blood. This led to the kidnapping of several war surgeons, but only White Mask V, a devout follower of the luminary Moog and his Coming Mowan Dynasty, was able to tame the accursed blood.