FIFA 21 Darwin Upgrade – Fans Divided on the Latest SBC

Fans in a frenzy over the FIFA Darwin Upgrade SBC. Is it worth the hype?

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s a lot of buzz surrounding the FIFA Darwin Upgrade SBC, and fans are in a frenzy over whether it’s worth it or not. From unexpected upgrades to mixed reviews, the community is buzzing!


  • Players divided on the value of Darwin Upgrade SBC
  • Mixed feelings on in-game performance
  • Fans question the relevance of upgrades with new card releases

Is Darwin Worth It?

Fans like V1T3 are enjoying Darwin’s AI, finding success in Elite division matches. However, mmoneyy1 suggests skipping it due to newer, more powerful cards flooding the game.

Mixed Reactions

SamLePlack notes discrepancies in Darwin’s stat upgrades, raising concerns about the card’s in-game performance. Some, like NoncingAround, praise it for being a “nutty card with finisher.”

The United Dilemma

Emergency-Escape-711, a United fan, is tempted by Darwin but opts out. Moistkeano highlights the hesitation in investing in cards with lower in-game stats compared to their overall ratings.