FIFA 25 Through Balls Debate: Manual vs. Assisted – Reddit Community Speaks Out

FIFA fans discuss the potential shift to manual through balls in FIFA 25 and its impact on gameplay skill gap.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans on Reddit are buzzing about the potential switch to manual through balls in FIFA 25, sparking a debate on skill and gameplay dynamics.


  • Players divided on manual vs. assisted controls for through balls.
  • Call for increased skill gap by making more game mechanics manual.
  • Debate on the impact of manual controls on casual players and revenue.

Players Embrace Manual Controls

Many players advocate for manual controls, believing it offers a more satisfying and skillful experience. User Puluzu mentions the potential skill gap increase and the joy of mastering manual gameplay.

Debate on Casual Players

Some users express concern about alienating casual players by shifting to manual controls, citing potential revenue loss. Spirited_Scarcity_58 argues that catering to casuals is crucial for game success.

Call for Increased Skill Gap

Players like Magicnik99 and lanregeous welcome the move towards manual controls, emphasizing the importance of player skill in determining game outcomes. They advocate for precision and manual shooting in FIFA.

Despite the differing opinions, the FIFA community is passionate about the potential changes in gameplay dynamics.