FIFA 91+ Icon Pick Weight: Reddit Users Discuss Their Luck

Reddit users debate the weight of the 91+ icon pick in FIFA and share their experiences - some joy, some frustration.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the weight of the 91+ icon pick in FIFA? Reddit users discuss their experiences and luck with the choice.


  • Players share mixed feelings about the 91+ icon pick in FIFA.
  • Some users have been lucky with high-rated players, while others feel disappointed.
  • Duplicates and tough choices add to the uncertainty of the player pick.

Highs and Lows

Some users, like Swipehh, have hit the jackpot with the likes of Daglish, creating unstoppable duos upfront. However, not everyone shares this luck, with users like berlikan facing disappointment multiple times with bad picks.

Tough Decisions

Users like Akame_xo showcase the dilemma of choosing between two great options in a single pick, leaving them longing for separate choices. It’s a tough call when both options seem equally appealing.

Duplicate Dilemma

Anxanityy’s experience of getting duplicate players in just two picks highlights the unpredictability of the player selection process. The excitement of new picks can quickly turn repetitive with duplicates.

Cygnus-_- sums up the recent picks as not being favorable, echoing the sentiments of those who feel they haven’t been on the winning side lately. The highs of successful picks remain elusive for many.