FIFA: Abby Erceg Flashback SBC – Community Reactions

Discover the mixed reactions surrounding the Abby Erceg Flashback SBC in the FIFA community.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA enthusiasts are buzzing about the Abby Erceg Flashback SBC, generating a mix of opinions and expectations among fans.


  • Users express skepticism over the inclusion of women defenders in the game.
  • Community debates the absence of non-flashback cards for females.
  • Speculation rises about potential future Flashback cards for female players.
  • Players suggest positional adjustments to enhance gameplay experience.

Positivity in Skepticism

Fans like andyd151 reminisce about past women’s football achievements, highlighting memorable moments.

Female Representation

ImRBJ suggests positional changes for women CB cards to maximize versatility and gameplay options.

Flashback Expectations

TSMKFail expresses surprise over the absence of Flashback cards for top female players like Lucy Bronze.

Extended Possibilities

darth_eppie brings up the idea of expanding Flashback cards beyond NWSL players, suggesting diverse player choices.

FIGJAM17 notes Abby Erceg’s attributes and changes, giving insight into the SBC’s details and offerings.

Fine_Yogurtcloset362 humorously queries a potential family connection for Abby Erceg.

ActiveWitness12 expresses difficulty in keeping up with the influx of women’s SBCs but remains content with the variety.