FIFA: Club 99 Shooting Evo – Is It Worth It?

Is the Club 99 Shooting Evo in FIFA worth the investment? Find out why players are torn!

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in FIFA are debating whether the Club 99 Shooting Evo is worth it or not. Some see it as a game-changer, while others have reservations about its impact on gameplay.


  • Players are excited about the potential of the Club 99 Shooting Evo.
  • Concerns about limiting future evolution options due to specific requirements.
  • Debates on card stats and playstyles impacting Evo decisions.

Players’ Excitement

Many users, like MontyBreezey, are eager to upgrade their players, with comments like, “Gonna put my WW Podolski in this for sure!” This enthusiasm reflects the potential impact of the Evo on gameplay.

Limiting Future Evolution

Some users, such as Pique-Blinders, express concern about the long-term implications, noting, “…you won’t be able to improve anything else on the card for the rest of the game.” This raises valid points about strategic Evo decisions.

Card Stats and Playstyles

Players like HomerShimpson discuss the trade-offs involved, mentioning, “Sadly this means that every next Evo will have shooting requirements.” Understanding these limitations is crucial for optimizing player upgrades.

Users continue to weigh the pros and cons of the Club 99 Shooting Evo in FIFA, balancing excitement for enhanced abilities with reservations about its long-term impact on gameplay.