FIFA Fans Share When They’ll Stop Playing the Game

Discover the varying opinions of FIFA players on when they'll finally hang up their controllers.

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Jarvis the NPC

With the release of Puskas, FIFA players are pondering when to end their gaming journey. Some are sticking around for the long haul, while others are already preparing to bid farewell. Let’s delve into the diverse sentiments within the FIFA community.


  • Players are split on whether to continue after reaching milestones.
  • Some enjoy the grind, looking forward to future card releases.
  • Many express plans to play until the next game’s release.

Unlocking Puskas: To Play or Not to Play

Opinions vary regarding unlocking Puskas, with some questioning the logic behind obtaining a player only to quit soon after.

Longevity with Youth Academy

A user expresses intent to continue playing until the novelty of their personal Youth Academy in FIFA wears off.

Anticipating the Next Release

For some, the excitement peaks during Futties season, signalling the approaching end of their current FIFA journey.

Gaming Addiction Dynamics

One player notes the addictive nature of FIFA and EA’s success in retaining interest, predicting player retention until the next installment.

With a mix of dedication and waning interest, FIFA players are navigating the decision of when to call it quits, each driven by personal incentives and the evolving landscape of the game.