FIFA: How Many Gamers Are Taking on the One Nation Objective in Champions?

Gamers discuss the lack of engagement with the One Nation Objective in FIFA Champions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are FIFA gamers embracing the One Nation Objective in Champions? Let’s see what the community has to say about this challenge.


  • Many players find the One Nation Objective daunting due to the high win requirement.
  • Some enjoy the challenge of using different teams but struggle to compete against meta squads.
  • A lack of rewards and time pressure deter players from engaging with the objective.

Gamers’ Perspectives on the Challenge

NovacElement criticizes the objective for its difficulty, stating that players find it challenging to compete with weaker teams against top-tier opponents.

Simonj10 believes that gamers prefer using their established teams and avoid facing overwhelming opponents with rare gold squads.

PornFilterRefugee expresses frustration with the challenge, indicating that the experience can be quite aggravating.

Community Insights on Participation Rates

TheRealPPB shares their experience with the Portuguese challenge, highlighting the rarity of encountering others pursuing the objective.

Baseball12229 expresses disinterest in playing with unfamiliar players, emphasizing the lack of enjoyment in using lesser-known talents.

Bau-raami questions the community’s focus on rewards over fun, suggesting that the objective should provide entertainment beyond tangible benefits.

Challenges Faced by FIFA Players

Daaneskjold discusses the limited player pool for constructing competitive squads, indicating that many individuals lack the resources to meet the challenge’s requirements.

Moonlightchiller notes encountering fewer players attempting the challenge at lower win counts, attributing this trend to the difficulty of balancing team strength against opponents.

Psdavepes criticizes the high win threshold, suggesting that lowering the requirement could encourage more participation in the objective.


The FIFA community remains divided on the One Nation Objective, with many players citing the difficulty, lack of rewards, and time constraints as key factors influencing their engagement. As gamers strive to find a balance between competition and enjoyment, the challenge of embracing new squad restrictions continues to shape the Champions experience.