FIFA Icon Drama: Fans Weigh in on Greats of the Game Promos

The latest FIFA Icon promotion has fans buzzing. Are these legendary players worth the hype?

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the latest FIFA promotion, fans discuss the worth of the iconic players featured. Are they truly legendary, or just unattainable for most?


  • Fans express frustration over the rarity of acquiring top-tier players.
  • Questions arise about certain players being undervalued in the promotion.
  • Excitement peaks as some lucky players manage to snag premium cards.

Legendary Players or Unattainable Dreams?

Many gamers are upset with the ongoing trend of highly coveted players being nearly impossible to obtain. User ‘Wrong_Lever_1’ quipped, “Is this the only content? Players we will all never get?” This sentiment resonated with numerous users.

Fodder Appreciation

‘Working-Couple7425’ raised an interesting point about Rui Costa’s perceived role as mere fodder. This sparked a debate on the value of certain players in the promotion.

A Stroke of Luck

Amidst the complaints, ‘bippityboopy’ shared an exhilarating moment of pulling Ronaldo from a pack. Moments like these remind players of the thrill in opening packs and chasing top-tier cards.

The FIFA community is divided on whether the Icon promotions are a celebration of legendary players or a frustrating reminder of unattainable dreams. While some revel in the excitement of pack openings, others feel disillusioned by the exclusivity of these coveted players. The ongoing discussions highlight the complex relationship between player acquisition, rarity, and the thrill of the game.