FIFA Reddit Debate: To Puskas or Not To Puskas?

A FIFA player sparks controversy by electing not to take Puskas. How will the community react?

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans are split over a player’s decision to forgo Puskas in a pack, sparking heated discussions in the subreddit. Some see it as a strategic move, while others are questioning the player’s logic.


  • Player opts out of Puskas for diversity in squad
  • Community debates the value of Puskas in-game
  • Some criticize the decision, others respect the player’s choice

Player Perspective

A player shares their reasoning for not selecting Puskas, citing an abundance of strikers and a desire for variety in their team. They defend their choice amidst backlash, highlighting their diverse squad-building approach.

Community Reaction

The community responses vary; some question the player’s decision, suggesting a missed opportunity, while others support the notion of personal playstyle diversity.

Fan Insights

Players discuss the impact of having a ubiquitous player like Puskas on the game’s meta, weighing the pros and cons of widespread card availability.