FIFA: Thiago Alcântara Flashback SBC – Is He Worth It?

The FIFA community discusses the new Flashback SBC for Thiago Alcântara and debates its value and impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

The FIFA community is buzzing about the new Flashback SBC for Thiago Alcântara, with players debating whether the card is worth the grind or the price tag. Many are excited about the upgrades, but some have concerns about his in-game performance.


  • Players are divided on whether Thiago’s Flashback SBC is a worthwhile addition to their squads
  • Some question the card’s value compared to other options
  • There is excitement about the upgrades and new playstyles

Opinions on the Flashback SBC

Many players are praising Thiago’s Flashback SBC as a great addition to their teams, citing his upgraded stats and new playstyles as significant improvements. They believe he offers good value for the price and provides strong links for hybrid squads.

Concerns About In-Game Performance

However, some users express reservations about Thiago’s in-game performance, questioning whether he will be as effective on the pitch as his stats suggest. They highlight concerns about his work rates and potential limitations in certain gameplay situations.

Community Reactions

The FIFA community remains split on Thiago’s Flashback SBC, with opinions ranging from instant completions and squad integrations to skepticism about his impact in matches. The debate continues as players weigh the pros and cons of adding the card to their squads.