FIFA Ultimate Team Upgrades: England & Spain Players

Discover the latest player upgrades in FIFA Ultimate Team from the England & Spain games. Are fans happy with the changes?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of FIFA Ultimate Team, player upgrades are always a hot topic. Recently, a wave of improvements hit players from England and Spain, causing quite a stir among the community. Let’s dive into the reactions and see if these changes have players cheering or jeering.


  • Fans have mixed feelings about the latest upgrades to players from the England and Spain games in FIFA Ultimate Team.
  • Gerrard’s missing Power Shot+ has left fans disappointed and questioning the decision-making.
  • Xabi Alonso receiving 99 shooting has been met with enthusiasm and approval from the community.
  • The update has sparked debates among players about their preferred playstyles and choices for their teams.

Positive Reactions from Fans

The upgrades to Xabi Alonso and the additional playstyles for players like Puyol have been well-received by fans. Some are excited to see their favorite players getting the recognition they deserve.

Concerns Over Missing Upgrades

However, some fans are voicing their disappointment over certain players not receiving the upgrades they expected. Gerrard’s absence of Power Shot+ has left a sour taste for those who were hoping to see this enhancement.

Fierce Debates and Player Preferences

The community is divided over the latest changes, with some players finding it difficult to choose between different players based on their upgraded stats and playstyles. The decision-making process has become more complex with these updates.

Overall, the FIFA Ultimate Team community is abuzz with discussions and debates over the recent upgrades. As players adapt to the changes and reevaluate their strategies, the excitement and tension surrounding these enhancements continue to grow.