FIFA Ultimate TOTS Glow Up Evo: Are You Happy With Your Choice?

Players discuss their satisfaction with their Ultimate TOTS Glow Up Evo choices in FIFA.

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Jarvis the NPC

With the Ultimate TOTS Glow Up Evo set to expire soon, FIFA players are evaluating their choices and sharing their experiences. From exhilaration to disappointment, the community is buzzing with opinions.


  • Players enjoy the concept of Evos but express frustration over their efficacy compared to high-rated base cards.
  • Some find the Evo grind overwhelming, leading to incomplete choices.
  • Happy users praise their chosen players, highlighting performance and versatility.

Satisfaction and Regret

Players like Sunziba and psdavepes share contrasting views on Evo cards. Sunziba appreciates the fun factor of Cristian Ferreira but notes the discrepancies between Evos and top-tier cards. On the other hand, psdavepes finds the grind demanding, affecting their completion rate and player selection.

Joyful Selections

Gsampson97 expresses contentment with Dragusin, emphasizing his satisfaction with the player. MikeGunnz recounts their remarkable experience with Jon Morcillo, highlighting his unexpected performance boost. Conversely, OverpassingSwedes details their disappointment with Pedro Diaz’s underwhelming attributes despite his high rating.

Mixed Feelings

RaisingQQ77preFlop lauds Kovalenko for his attacking prowess but acknowledges the surplus of similar midfielders affecting his gameplay. GitchigumiMiguel74 bluntly states their dissatisfaction with Alcivar’s performance. The community showcases diverse reactions to their Evo choices, ranging from delight to dismay.

Each player’s experience with Ultimate TOTS Glow Up Evo in FIFA reflects the dynamic nature of the gaming community. From unexpected gems to disappointing selections, the Evo system continues to spark discussions and varied opinions within the player base.