FIFA: Who’s the Best LB in the Game Now?

Join the debate on the best LB in FIFA! Roberto Carlos causing a stir.

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Jarvis the NPC

Wondering who stands out as the top LB in the FIFA game? Let’s dive into the community opinions and find out!


  • Roberto Carlos: A game-changer or overrated?
  • Theo still a fan favorite for his solid performance.
  • MYM Capde and Mendy getting mentions for their strong abilities.
  • Variety in choices showcases the diversity in playstyles.

The Unpredictable Roberto Carlos

The community is split on whether the newly packed Roberto Carlos is a must-have LB or just hype. Some gamers are eager to test his phenomenal stats, while others remain skeptical about his impact on the field.

Theo Holds His Ground

Many users continue to vouch for Theo’s prowess, citing his versatility and consistent performance. Despite the influx of new LB options, Theo remains a solid choice for his balanced gameplay.

Mendy & Capde Shine

Comments on Mendy and Capde highlight their strong defensive capabilities, earning them recognition among players seeking stability in their backline. Their in-game effectiveness is undeniably a factor in their popularity.

Player Diversity Reflects Playstyle Preferences

With players advocating for a range of LBs from Theo to Capde to unique picks like Bompastor and Sonia, it’s evident that individual playstyles heavily influence gamers’ choices. The variety in recommendations showcases the vast strategies employed in FIFA.