Filling the Missing Piece in Dota?: The Unending Call for the Return of James 2GD Harding

A persuasive plea fills the Dota e-sport community, clamoring for the return of iconic James 2GD Harding.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Dota community is experiencing a wave of nostalgia mixed with a call to action involving the ever-charismatic and undeniably influential James ‘2GD’ Harding. Branded as a true esports legend, Harding’s absence is felt more today as fans reflect on past major-match fiascos.


  • Discussions signals a prevalent dissatisfaction with the current major-match hosting situation
  • The Shanghai Major disaster is presented as a grand case study of what goes wrong without the right leadership
  • A recurrent longing for the return of experienced ‘mavericks’, specifically James Harding, echoes through the community
  • Harding’s legacy is heavily associated with ‘Mr Wangs Amazing Wheelchair Antics’, pointing to his unique and memorable style

Community Sentiment

The sentiment towards Harding is overwhelmingly positive as seen in ‘nice try 2GD’, which interpreted the post humorously as Harding jokingly advocating for his own return. This reflects the friendly rapport Harding shares with the community.

Recent Hosting Saga

Another user expressed the note that Harding did indeed host at The International in 2022, to which others questioned why he hasn’t been seen at other Dota events since then. This indicates the community’s awareness of Harding’s recent activities and their desire for his regular engagement in the Dota scene.

Building on Nostalgia

The thread also revealed a broader nostalgia for other figures in the history of Dota hosting, with mentions of Aaron ‘Ayesee’ Chambers and ‘Tobi Wan’. The conversation mentions their unique contributions, reminiscing about the golden age of Dota esports and skill offering compared to the present.

In conclusion, the dialogues illuminate a Fedora community which believes that the return of figures like James ‘2GD’ Harding could address many prevailing issues while taking Dota further up the esports ladder. They argue these experienced players and hosts hold the key to improving the viewing experience and creating much more memorable Dota moments like the infamous Wheelchair Antics.