Final Fantasy 8: Is It Really an Underrated Gem?

Is Final Fantasy 8 truly underrated? Fans weigh in on the beloved game in this Reddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy 8 is a divisive entry in the beloved series, with fans debating its underrated status.


  • Debates rage on whether FF8 is truly underrated or not.
  • Some fans appreciate its unique storytelling elements.
  • The game’s junction system and romance story are highlighted as standout features.
  • Others feel it gets more credit than it deserves.

Underrated Gem or Overrated Hype?

Many fans, like user elhumanoid, express deep love for FF8, citing bias and nostalgia as key factors. They reminisce about the game’s potential depth and express excitement for a possible remake to experience the original vision. This sentiment echoes across the community, with State_Obvious proclaiming FF8 as their favorite game of all time, highlighting the lasting impact of the title.

Technical Marvel or Overhyped Nostalgia?

On the other hand, users like Silent-Rando977 challenge the notion of FF8 being underrated. They argue that the game was immensely popular upon release and remains a favorite among many fans. While acknowledging its appeal, some users, such as stratusnco, believe FF8 receives unnecessary criticism rather than being truly underrated.

Mixed Reactions to a Classic

The debate continues as fans like JudgeArcadia bring humor by invoking other beloved titles like FF5 into the conversation. While superkapitan82 praises the game’s focus on a comprehensive romance story, annieyoker recounts a friend’s disappointment with FF8’s graphics compared to its cinematic sequences. Many users like LeekTerrible and carolicolina express hopes for a potential remake to enhance the gameplay experience.

Overall, the Reddit community showcases a diverse range of opinions on FF8’s place in the Final Fantasy franchise, sparking lively discussions on its merits and drawbacks.