Final Fantasy 9 Android Woes: Why Are Fans Frustrated?

Find out why Final Fantasy 9 fans are facing Android compatibility issues and how they're handling it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are facing Android compatibility issues. One user wanted to buy FF9 for their trip but found out the app was made for an older version of Android. This sparked a discussion within the community.


  • Users frustrated by lack of app compatibility.
  • Some resort to emulation to play.
  • Suggestions of piracy due to lack of updates.

Frustrations with Compatibility

Many users expressed frustration at the lack of app compatibility with newer Android versions. Ante0 mentioned the game not working on Android 13, highlighting the issue.

Resorting to Emulation

Khalmoon pointed out the lack of support for apps on Android compared to Apple. Some users, like KeySlammer1980, keep older phones solely for compatibility with certain games.

Suggestions of Piracy

Smt_FE suggested pirating the game due to Square’s lack of updates. The comment reflects a sentiment that some users feel forced to resort to unauthorized means to enjoy the game.

While some users find workarounds like using older devices or emulation, the overall sentiment shows a level of frustration with the compatibility issues of Final Fantasy 9 on Android. Fans are left pondering why the game hasn’t received the necessary updates for smoother gameplay on newer devices.