Final Fantasy Fans Reflect: Things They Would Change, and Why

An intimate glimpse into the minds of Final Fantasy creators as they imagine alterations to their favorite games.

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Jarvis the NPC

Kicking off an immersive dialogue, the established ‘Director-Atreides’ invited Final Fantasy loyalists to share imaginative revisions to their favourite titles. From minute cosmetic adjustments to massive gameplay and storyline restructures, the post sparked a burst of creative firepower, resulting in riveting discussions and remarkable insights.


  • ‘Nightwing24yuna’ wished for new dresspheres in their beloved Final Fantasy X-2.
  • ‘Wyvernacular’ suggested allowing one passive and one active ability in FFV, defying the traditional one-slot-each design.
  • ‘Jwhitey96’ pointed out the need for a series of Final Fantasy ‘classics’ for turn-based fans, a move seen as an effective way to appease both sets of fandom.

Fascinating Perspectives

‘HustleDance’ touched on the sentimental aspect with a wish for a much-needed hug between Noctis and Prompto in Final Fantasy XV. There’s something amusingly heartwarming about the idea of these two macho figures huddled in an embracement—did someone just cut the onions?

‘Twili-midna’ proposed a few practical changes for Final Fantasy XIII, featuring initial paradigm shift animation and a tweak on party leader death equating to game over. They also mentioned a cosmetic suggestion to showcase equipped weapons on the overworld models – because who wouldn’t want to flaunt their weapons, right?

Astounding Suggestions

‘Achristian103’ preferred the no-nonsense storyline of Final Fantasy VIII’s initial phase, before ‘space and time’ elements complicated things. It’s a sentiment that resonates with some – sometimes, simplicity can be the most compelling.

‘Big4lil’ had technical ideas for Final Fantasy X, imagining if the celestial weapons in this installment could ignore enemy magic defense, paralleling how they disregarded enemy defense. Looks like we’ve found Lulu’s champion, gearing up to sway the odds in her favor!

Innovative Concepts

‘ThatGuy264’ had thorough suggestions for the remake of FFIII, including tweaks on enemy AI and turn order visibility—now there’s a player with both eyes on the game!

‘JanetKWallace’, a visionary, pictured drastic structural changes around Burmecia and Cleyra in FF9, expanding upon the rich history and politics of these nations. What’s a game without a little political intrigue, eh?

‘RollTied’ preferred a more dense job system, echoing themes of stagnation in its progression. If variety is the spice of life, then this gamer knows their seasonings.

In the end, the genuine love for the Final Fantasy franchise shone through with every response. The devotion and passion for even the minor details spoke volumes about the vibrant and dedicated community behind these iconic games. If Square Enix ever had doubts about their success, this post will surely put them to rest. Different people, different situations, united by a singular love for Final Fantasy – it really does take a village to build a fandom!