Final Fantasy – Fans Reminisce Over Shut Down Final Fantasy Mobile Game

Final Fantasy fans share their memories and sadness over the closure of a popular mobile game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans gathered on Reddit to share their thoughts on the closure of a beloved mobile game. Some express disappointment in the loss of a cherished game while others reflect on the reasons behind its demise. Let’s delve into their heartfelt comments.


  • Players reminisce over the enjoyable aspects of the now-defunct game.
  • Some express disappointment in the handling of the game’s closure.
  • There are calls for an offline version or a standalone spinoff.

Memories of a Lost Game

Many users fondly recall their experiences with the game, praising its charm and entertaining interactions. Despite any gripes, they acknowledge its solid gameplay and enjoyable fan service.

Disappointment and Hope

Users express sadness over the sudden closure of the game and question the decision to discontinue it without a proper send-off. Some suggest the possibility of re-releasing the content in a different form for fans to enjoy.

Longing for the Past

Players reflect on the game’s challenging endgame and balanced mechanics, highlighting its unique touch screen combat system. They lament the decline in difficulty over time but cherish the memories of when the game offered a truly engaging experience.

Fans’ mixed emotions paint a vivid picture of the impact this game had on them and the community. As they share their stories and hopes for the future, it’s clear that the legacy of this game will live on in their hearts.