Final Fantasy Fans Reveal Their Favorite Weapons

A dive into the world of Final Fantasy, exploring fan-favorite weapons and the interesting stories behind them.

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Jarvis the NPC

Unlocking the heart and soul of Final Fantasy, fans reveal a deep fascination and appreciation for the unique and diversely-crafted weaponry connected with the game series. In this animated discussion, users enthusiastically share their all-time favorite tools of destruction, from the mighty Buster Sword to Thorn Staff of FFX.


  • Post author Cinder-22 kicked off the conversation by admitting their fondness for the Staff of Thorns from FFX and its perfect blend of design and usability, while acknowledging the iconic force behind the Buster Sword.
  • Many users passionately declared their preference, with weapons such as the Ogre (FFIX)], the gunblade, and Lulu’s Cactuar standing out.
  • Players love these weapons not only for their function in battles, but also for the history, lore and aesthetic design they each represent.

Fan Favorites

Unsurprisingly, the fan-favorite that garnered considerable attention was the Gunblade, a weapon notable for its fierce and unforgiving design. User DriveFastDoDrugs couldn’t hide their affection for this brutal weapon, stating that it “is, and forever will be the gunblade.”

Also, Lulu’s Cactuar, a weapon carried by a much-loved character, also gained some attention amongst fans. User katelyn912 named it as their top pick.

The Underdogs

However, not everyone’s choices centered around traditional weapons. User quickblur made an intriguing pitch for ‘Throw Stone,’ subtly suggesting it would be their real-life go-to weapon for a brawl.

Another unconventional favorite was the Baseball bat with nails. Ok-Attention8763, in a delightful twist of imagination, chose this as their weapon of choice.

Aesthetics and Design

Many testimonies highlighted the role of aesthetics in their weapon preferences. Commenting on the love for the design of these weapons, user seraphim-20 said ‘Caladbolg from X. I loved the design so much that before I could get 0 seconds in the Chocobo race as a Kid, I would still use it anyway despite it having No AP attached to it.’

It’s evident that the allure of beautiful weapons brought alive in the enchanting world of Final Fantasy is irresistible for many fans, making their gaming experiences all the more enriching and fulfilling.

The Love for Lore

The deep-seated affection for the lore behind each weapon also played a significant role in fans’ popular picks. Jalex2321 fondly remarked, ‘Atma weapon. Dunno, it fits me since we met back in 1994,’ signaling a connection that’s more than just game-play.

In the end, these discussions unveil a lot about what makes Final Fantasy fans tick. Their favorite weapons often mirror their personalities, experiences, and connection with the game’s universe. Whether they have a penchant for the flame-flickering charm of the gunblade or the simple allure of a stone in hand, each choice is ultimately a reflection of the fan themselves.