Final Fantasy: How FFXIII won over fans with its music and art design

A fan's change of heart for Final Fantasy XIII leads to a top five ranking fueled by its mesmerizing music and art. Dive into the journey of redemption!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy has always been a series that evokes strong emotions among fans, and one user on Reddit, moeriscus, recently shared their complete turnaround on Final Fantasy XIII after years of mixed feelings. They now consider it a top-ranking title, thanks to its captivating music and stunning art design.


  • FFXIII’s polarizing nature, with strong positives and negatives, resonates with fans on Reddit.
  • The game’s visuals, soundtrack, and battle system receive high praise.
  • Issues like linearity and lack of exploration are commonly cited critiques.
  • The community shows appreciation for the game’s unique charms despite its flaws.
  • Commercial_Slice_421’s Take

    While acknowledging FFXIII’s strengths in graphics, music, and story, they highlight the game’s shortcomings, such as the restricted party size and lack of exploration, leading to a passionate mixed review.

    1000_needleZ’s Tribute to the Soundtrack

    Praising Masashi Hamauzu’s work, this user credits FFXIII’s music for solidifying the game’s position as a standout experience.

    DrDeit’s Reunion with FFXIII

    Expressing anticipation for revisiting FFXIII and reflecting on the game’s optimization concerns, this player prepares for a nostalgic return to the world of Cocoon.