Final Fantasy Rebirth: A Musical Misstep and Open World Odyssey

Critics on the Final Fantasy subreddit discuss disappointing music replacements and open world design in Rebirth.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy Rebirth has stirred up some controversy among gamers, particularly due to criticisms of the music replacements and open world design. The post on the subreddit sparked a lively debate among fans who were eager to voice their opinions on these aspects of the game.


  • Players feel let down by the replacement of classic tracks with new, subpar music in Rebirth.
  • Some fans find the open world design lacking in innovation and depth, comparing it unfavorably to other games.

Music Matters

One of the main criticisms centered around the music in the game. Fans expressed disappointment over the replacement of classic tracks with new, less appealing ones. The absence or muting of iconic tracks in pivotal scenes also drew ire from players, diminishing the emotional impact of those moments.

Open World Woes

Players also took issue with the open world design in Rebirth, feeling that it lacked the sense of discovery and exploration found in other games like Elden Ring. The presence of repetitive content and markers in the world made the experience feel stale and uninspired to some.

Uematsu’s Perspective

In response to the criticism of the music, fans pointed to a statement from Nobuo Uematsu, the legendary composer behind many of the iconic Final Fantasy soundtracks. Uematsu emphasized the importance of creative freedom in game music composition, suggesting that innovation is key to pushing the boundaries of the medium.