Final Fantasy: Should You Play FFXI or FFXII Next?

Deciding between FFXI and FFXII? Join the debate on which game to play next and whether it's worth the time commitment.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deciding what to play next in the Final Fantasy series can be a tough decision. One Reddit user, Alert-Prompt-8164, found themselves at a crossroads after platinuming the FFX-2 remaster and considering whether to delve into FFXI or FFXII next.


  • FFXI offers a deep, immersive experience with a unique approach to storytelling.
  • Players suggest taking your time with FFXI and exploring its expansions for a fulfilling experience.
  • Some users find FFXI’s accessibility and gameplay improvements make it more solo-friendly.
  • FFXII stands out for its turbo feature and compelling plot, attracting fans for its worldbuilding.

Jump Into FFXI’s Lore-Rich World

Many players recommend FFXI for its rich storytelling and diverse gameplay options. EseBovany suggests starting with the 1-119 BG wiki guide to navigate the game’s expansions efficiently. FFXI’s city missions and flexible approach allow players to engage with different storylines, providing a personalized experience.

FFXI: A Game of Time and Dedication

While FFXI offers a rewarding journey, some users acknowledge its time commitment. A-Centrifugal-Force cautions that FFXI’s future availability remains uncertain, emphasizing the importance of experiencing the game now. Whether you choose to focus on the base game or dive into expansions, FFXI demands dedication but promises a fulfilling experience.

Consider FFXII for a Modern Twist

On the other hand, gamers like Revolver__Ocelot2 laud FFXII for its convenience, thanks to the turbo feature, simplifying travel and grinding. The game’s intricate plot and captivating characters create a memorable experience, making it a popular choice among players.