Final Fantasy: Somebody Tell My Wife They’re Not the Same Game

One Final Fantasy fan's collection obsession sparks a debate on game versions.

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Jarvis the NPC

A Final Fantasy fan sparks a debate on game versions with an ongoing collection. Just bought the PS3 collectors edition from Square ENIX store for $40 today.


  • Debate on collecting different versions of Final Fantasy games
  • Some view them as the same game, others see distinct differences
  • Discussion extends to different console ports and regions
  • Suggestions for future releases
  • Debate Over Collecting

    A commenter questions the need to buy multiple versions of the same game, sparking a debate on the reasons behind such collections. Some argue for the sentimental value, while others skeptically point out the redundancy.

    Differences in Versions

    The discussion delves into the differences between various versions of Final Fantasy games, highlighting disparities in content, box art, and region-specific releases. Users share insights on why these distinctions matter to them.

    Future Releases

    Some users suggest adding new versions of the game to round out collections, speculating on potential releases for upcoming consoles like the PS5. The conversation extends beyond existing versions to contemplate future possibilities and preferences.