Final Fantasy: Why Does Final Fantasy IX Remain Unscathed from the Hate?

Find out why Final Fantasy IX has managed to escape the hate that other entries in the series face.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy is known for its divisive fanbase, with some entries receiving more hate than others. A Reddit post delves into why Final Fantasy IX seems to avoid much of the criticism aimed at other games in the series.


  • Final Fantasy IX is often praised for its overall quality, but some fans have strong opinions on its slower battle system and art direction.
  • The game’s fanbase has both passionate defenders and critics who point out flaws in character development and gameplay.
  • Despite its flaws, many players still hold Final Fantasy IX in high regard and appreciate its classic fantasy setting.

Why Some Fans Dislike Final Fantasy IX

While Final Fantasy IX has a dedicated fanbase, some players have voiced their criticisms about the game. One Reddit user mentioned that the slow combat speed was a significant drawback, even at max speed. They acknowledged the game’s quality but highlighted this issue as a point of contention.

Another user discussed how the art style and character design polarized fans. The cutesy visuals clashed with the dark plot, making it a divisive aspect of the game. Additionally, the implementation of the Trance system and certain character personalities received negative feedback from players.

One commenter shared a list of grievances, including criticisms of graphics, character development, and mini-games. Despite loving the game, they acknowledged its shortcomings and the hate it attracts from some players.

The Divide Among Fans

Opinions on Final Fantasy IX vary among fans, with some praising its nostalgic charm and classic RPG elements. However, others find fault with its pacing, character depth, and gameplay mechanics. The game’s slower ATB system and divisive art direction have led to mixed reactions, showcasing the diverse opinions within the fanbase.

While some players appreciate Final Fantasy IX for its unique qualities and memorable characters like Vivi, others criticize its execution and pacing. The game’s perceived flaws, such as the implementation of Trance and slow battles, contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding its legacy.

Uncovering the Truth

Despite the mixed reception and criticisms leveled against Final Fantasy IX, the game continues to hold a special place in the hearts of many players. Its blend of classic RPG elements, engaging storyline, and memorable characters has ensured its enduring popularity within the Final Fantasy series.

As fans continue to discuss and debate the merits and shortcomings of Final Fantasy IX, one thing remains clear—the game’s ability to spark passionate conversations and differing viewpoints underscores its significance in the realm of RPG gaming.