Final Fantasy: Why Skip the VIII Remake?

Will there be a Final Fantasy VIII remake? Why are fans debating between VIII and IX for a remake?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Final Fantasy, fans are abuzz with discussions about why there might be a delay in remaking Final Fantasy VIII while speculation arises about the beloved Final Fantasy IX. Reddit users are diving deep into the reasons behind this decision.


  • Final Fantasy VIII is a divisive entry in the series.
  • Remaking Final Fantasy IX might be a safer bet financially.
  • Money plays a significant role in the decision-making process.

Mix of Opinions

Reddit users have mixed feelings about the potential Final Fantasy VIII remake. Some users believe that the game’s divisive nature makes it a risky choice compared to the more universally acclaimed Final Fantasy IX. One user states, ‘8 is one of the most divisive entries in the series.’

Financial Considerations

Another prevalent theme in the discussions is the financial aspect. Many users believe that remaking Final Fantasy IX might be a more sound financial decision compared to VIII. One user comments, ‘It’s a smarter business decision to remake FF9 instead.’

Fan Sentiment

The sentiment among fans is varied. While some express a strong desire for a Final Fantasy VIII remake, others acknowledge that the popularity and appeal of Final Fantasy IX might make it a more logical choice. One user notes, ‘VII is the best-selling game in the series. IX is one of the most highly acclaimed games in the series.’

The decisions around game remakes are complex and often influenced by various factors, including fan sentiment, financial considerations, and the perceived market appeal of different titles. As the debate continues, fans eagerly await any official announcements regarding the potential remakes.