Final Fantasy XI: Why Fans Believe It Has One of the Best Stories

Discover why Final Fantasy XI is praised for its captivating stories and immersive gameplay by fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy XI, a game known for its expansive world and intricate stories, has captured the hearts of many players. The subreddit buzzes with praises for its narrative depth and engaging side stories, making it stand out among the Final Fantasy franchise.


  • FFXI’s main and side stories are lauded for their depth and complexity.
  • Some favor expansions like Chains of Promathia for its exceptional storytelling.
  • The gameplay mechanics and vast content of FFXI are highlighted as key strengths.

Diving into the Stories

Ovalidal’s post highlighting FFXI’s narrative prowess struck a chord with fans, with many agreeing that the game boasts some of the best stories in the series. User Dannyjw1 went as far as to claim that ’11’s story is better than some of the other mainline games.’

Gameplay Brilliance

Alongside its captivating narratives, user Millsih emphasized the gameplay brilliance of FFXI, noting its superiority in terms of size, options, content, and customization compared to even FFXIV. This aspect continues to draw in players seeking a rich gameplay experience.

Differing Opinions

While the majority praised the game, user khinzaw offered a nuanced perspective, pointing out the strengths of different expansions. They found Aht Urgan’s storytelling more cohesive, contrasting it with the disjointed feel of Chains of Promathia.

The comments also brought up the lack of accessibility to newer players, with fode_fuceta expressing frustration over the game not being updated for modern platforms and criticizing its UI. This sentiment contrasts with the continuous expansions and updates seen in FFXIV.

Final Fantasy XI’s legacy continues to thrive among its dedicated fanbase, with its compelling stories and immersive gameplay leaving a lasting impact on the gaming community.