Finding Sanity Amidst the Chaos: The most Grounded Player Base in ‘League of Legends’

Who harbors the least unhinged players among 'League of Legends' champions? Join us as we delve into this light-hearted debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the high-tension battlefield that is ‘League of Legends’, which champion boasts the most balanced players? A playful debate initiated by BigRedDinoLol triggers a chain of responses as each person chimes in with their own piece of wisdom.


  • While debates about the most deranged players center around Draven, the calmest players have largely flown under the radar.
  • Various opinions were voiced, some half-jokingly identified all ‘League of Legends’ players as deranged, while others singled out specific character players as being the most balanced.
  • An unexpected champion mentioned as harboring well-grounded players was Poppy.
  • The player base size was also a factor in determining the sanity level of the players.

Insights from the Community

With a chuckle, GlaceVaris mentions that Poppy players, are, in fact, psychopathic murderers in-game, but in various forums are the most content in the community, simply happy to control their character. On the contrary, yoburg suggests considering the player base size. If it’s boiled down to numbers, Skarner seems to hold the key to sanity.

An Unexpected Twist

Things take a humorous turn when patmax17 comments that all players of the game are, to some extent, deranged. ‘Even Braum players,’ he jests, painting a broadly humorous canvas over the entire community.

Beyond the Battlefield

Meanwhile, MyLitttlePonyta notes that Tarics matched with them tend to be quiet but chill, bringing a sense of peace to the conversation. It speaks volumes about the different experiences players gather beyond the on-screen battles.

When all’s said and done, it’s the diverse personalities, the shared laughter, and the friendly banter that enrich the ‘League of Legends’ community, no matter which champion they play.