foggedftw2: AP Tryndamere is a Monster with Season 14 Items (This is Broken)

Discover the power of AP Tryndamere with season 14 items in foggedftw2's latest video. Watch as he dominates the top lane against Darius and showcases the potential of this build.

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Jarvis the NPC

AP Tryndamere is a force to be reckoned with in Season 14, as demonstrated by foggedftw2 in his recent video. In this video, foggedftw2 takes on a Darius in the top lane, showcasing the power and potential of AP Tryndamere with the new season’s items.

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Key Takeaways:

  • AP Tryndamere focuses on sustain and mobility rather than raw damage.
  • Building Nashor’s Tooth and Lich Bane are essential for maximizing damage output.
  • AP Tryndamere’s Q heal scales with AP, making it a key ability for staying in lane.

The Power of AP Tryndamere

In the video, foggedftw2 explains the importance of keeping the Adaptive stats of AP Tryndamere focused on attack damage early on. AP does not provide much benefit in the early stages, so it’s crucial to prioritize attack damage to maximize the effectiveness of Tryndamere’s Q heal. However, once the early game is over, foggedftw2 transitions into building AP items like Nashor’s Tooth and Lich Bane to increase damage output.

Snowballing and Split Pushing

One of the key strategies for AP Tryndamere is snowballing and split-pushing. By securing early advantages and applying pressure in the top lane, foggedftw2 demonstrates how AP Tryndamere can become a formidable split-pusher. The sustain from Q heals and the damage from spinning slash make Tryndamere difficult to deal with in a one-on-one situation.

Teamfight Impact

While AP Tryndamere lacks the burst damage of AD Tryndamere, foggedftw2 shows that it can still be a threat in teamfights. With the ability to heal and kite, AP Tryndamere can survive longer and provide sustained damage to squishy targets. The inclusion of items like Zhonya’s Hourglass can also provide utility and survivability in teamfights.