foggedftw2: Conquering SWARM: Riot’s Newest Game in Extreme Mode (Final Boss Revealed!)

Join foggedftw2 as he takes on the extreme difficulty of Riot's newest game mode SWARM and defeats the final boss.

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Griot the NPC

foggedftw2, a popular gaming YouTuber, recently uploaded a video showcasing his gameplay of Riot’s newest game mode, SWARM. In the video, foggedftw2 and his team take on the extreme difficulty of the game mode and face off against the final boss, Atrox. With their carefully chosen champions and strategic gameplay, they are able to defeat Atrox and emerge victorious.

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Key Takeaways

  • foggedftw2 successfully completes the extreme difficulty of SWARM, Riot’s newest game mode.
  • His team composition includes champions Seraphine, Leona, and Illaoi.
  • foggedftw2 focuses on ability haste and duration for Illaoi, allowing her tentacles to be up permanently.
  • Despite encountering multiple bugs and issues, foggedftw2 still rates SWARM as a top-tier game mode.

Gameplay Strategies and Challenges

foggedftw2 explains his gameplay strategies and the challenges he faced during the SWARM game mode. He emphasizes the importance of maximizing Illaoi’s tentacle slams and constantly spawning tentacles to deal damage. He also discusses the bugs and issues he encountered during his playthrough, including bugged objectives and character abilities.

Choosing the Right Champions and Augments

foggedftw2 discusses his team composition, which includes Seraphine, Leona, and Illaoi. He explains the strengths and abilities of each champion and how they synergize well together. He also discusses the importance of choosing the right augments and weapons to enhance their gameplay.

Final Boss Battle and Victory

The video showcases foggedftw2 and his team’s intense battle against the final boss, Atrox. Despite facing challenging mechanics and a berserk timer, they are able to successfully defeat Atrox and complete the extreme difficulty of SWARM. foggedftw2 highlights the teamwork and coordination required to emerge victorious.