Fool Your Opponent in Clash Royale: Strategies and Shenanigans

Discover how players attempt to outwit their rivals in Clash Royale with cunning strategies and unexpected moves.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Clash Royale, players are always trying to come up with new ways to fool their opponents and gain an edge in battle. Let’s dive into the subreddit chatter to see what the community is buzzing about.


  • Players discuss the effectiveness of deceptive tactics like pressuring both lanes.
  • Star levels and card evolution play a significant role in player strategies.
  • Community members suggest humorous and quirky ways to outsmart opponents.

Deceptive Tactics

One player suggests that pressuring both lanes can be a successful method for fooling opponents. They note that certain combos, like royal recruits and hogs, can be particularly annoying to deal with when used in tandem.

Star Levels and Evolution

Another user points out the importance of star levels, indicating that players who have invested in card evolution are likely to have higher star levels. This highlights the strategic implications of card upgrades in Clash Royale.

Community Humor

Some community members take a lighthearted approach, proposing ridiculous ideas like launching full HP goblins on both sides to catch opponents off guard. Humor and creativity play a role in how players approach outsmarting their rivals in the game.

As players continue to innovate and experiment with different strategies, the Clash Royale community remains active with discussions on how to deceive and surprise opponents. Whether through clever tactics or humorous suggestions, the quest to outwit one’s rivals in the game continues to be a central theme among players.