Fortnite Battle Royale – Power of the New Sniper Reignites

A fresh perspective on Fortnite's new sniper mechanics and its impact among the player community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Recent discussions within the Fortnite community have unearthed an impactful dialogue, sparked by the new sniper rifle system introduced in the game. A player, Agoddameduck, fired up a post concerning this addition stating, “10 bullets in a mag and incredible fast fire rate”.


  • The Sniper Rifle is adored by some for its excitement.
  • The difference of the New Sniper’s speed and previous versions is highlighted.
  • Many express concern the New Sniper’s power is overly potent.
  • Some players argue the Sniper Rifle’s strength is necessary for balance.

A Sniper’s Kick

Fan Jaheat reflects on the Semi-automatic rifle’s previous damage, remarking it was capable of a whopping 250 damage to the head. Taking this perspective, the New Sniper might not be such an outlier after all.(source)

Drama of Danger

Expressing a light-hearted take, Hawman420 acknowledges the thrill of the Sniper’s unpredictability. Despite the potential for a surprise takedown, he admits, “You’re gonna get got once in a while outta nowhere but man there still fun.” The Sniper’s danger, in his eyes, is all part of the excitement.(source)

Fast & Furious

In contrast to nostalgic players, others like jaycamp09, express concern over the increased speed of the New Sniper, referring it as ‘hitscan’(source). This term refers to a weapon’s bullet that virtually lacks any travel time. A sure point of contention within the Fortnite community.

The Strength Conundrum

RetroRoger4400 comments that a too-weak Sniper would be redundant – who would want to use a weak sniper rifle, after all?(source). He views the Sniper’s current strength as a necessary evil, a view that certainly sparks debate.

Endgame? The introduction of the new sniper has undeniably stirred up a hurricane of dialogue. Players argue the balance between tension, fun, and fairness. As the dust settles, it’s apparent that the true victor in this sniper duel might just be the Fortnite community, engaging in a spirited discussion and experiencing the game they love in new and exhilarating ways.