Fortnite Battle: Should Epic Games Add New Weapons to the Creative Arsenal?

Fortnite players voice their opinions about introducing new weapons to the game's creative mode. Let's talk about it!

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Jarvis the NPC

It’s a contentious issue: The inclusion of new weapons in Fortnite’s creative mode, specifically the Chrome weapons and Chapter 5 weapons. Proponents such as the original poster, OperationGeneral7190, believe these additions could open up new gameplay possibilities, while critics fear they might be too powerful and potentially repetitive.


  • Overall sentiment leans towards approval of the new weapons being added to creative mode.
  • Players appreciate the uniqueness and upgrade mechanics of the Chrome weapons.
  • Concerns mainly revolve around the potential balance issues and game complexity.
  • Opinion exists that Epic Games could include two variants of these weapons to keep a check on power dynamics.

The Voice of the Masses

Exclusive insights from passionate players give us a vivid picture of what these developments could mean for Fortnite’s creative mode.

The conversation began with user OperationGeneral7190 voicing his personal opinion on the potential addition of Chrome and Chapter 5 weapons to Fortnite’s creative mode. This sparked an engaging debate – and some captivating points of view.

JoshyRB enthusiastically wants the Evo-Chrome weapons added. Their unique mechanics and the possibility of having them in two different variants, one with the upgrading mechanic and one without, struck a chord with him. Echoing these thoughts, JoshyRB wrote…

The Flipside of the Coin

Not everyone’s on the ‘Add New Weapons’ train. Some users highlighted the potential complications that could arise. OKgamer01 pointed out that the complex features of these new weapons might pose challenges for game creators, who would need proficient control over how such game elements react. Here’s his take…

A Pinch of Humor

Where’s the fun without some humor? Ghosty920_ brought a light-hearted touch to the debate with a hilariously restructured post title suggestion: “Should Fortnite yes?” Check it out here…

So, there you have it – a vibrant discussion encompassing intricate battle mechanics, gaming philosophy, and good old-fashioned player camaraderie. It’s up to Epic Games now to decide whether the creative mode will embrace these potential game-changers or not. Until then, keep those controllers warm and those keyboards clicking, Fortnite lovers!