Fortnite: Community Feedback on Separate Battle Royale Modes

Fortnite players discuss the convenience of having 4 separate BR modes or consolidating them into one playlist.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing on Reddit about the convenience of having four separate Battle Royale modes versus consolidating them into a single playlist. The community is split on which option would be more user-friendly.


  • Players appreciate the simplicity of selecting modes with a single click.
  • Some users find the current setup cumbersome and advocate for a merged playlist.
  • Feedback suggests a preference for streamlined navigation and reduced clutter.

Community Insights

Exigeyser suggests visually disabling certain modes for easier navigation, emphasizing the need for a cleaner UI.

teo747 prefers the current setup for its simplicity, highlighting the ease of selecting desired modes quickly.

iamunabletopoop proposes renaming ‘standard’ to ‘build mode’ for better clarity and gameplay experience.

User Sentiments

Maximum-Pause-6914 desires a consolidated mode selection to avoid the hassle of navigating through multiple options.

Docholidax chooses option 3 for a streamlined experience, emphasizing the importance of a pre-lobby screen for mode selection.

joeMAMAkim appreciates separate modes for clarity on gameplay settings, noting the occasional confusion with toggling team sizes.

CuberBeats suggests retaining the current BR setup but moving other modes to a separate Creative UI for improved accessibility.

Miserable-Bear7980 praises the idea of a consolidated tab for easier mode selection and reduced clutter on the UI.

MarkyMarcMcfly finds the current tile system frustrating and advocates for a single playlist with toggle features for convenience.

tayhorix supports the idea of one playlist with toggles for ease of access and streamlined gameplay selection.

GracedApollo envisions a clutter-free UI with all modes under one tab for simplicity and accessibility, except for tournaments.

iexistbowdowntome acknowledges the community’s suggestions but doubts Epic Games will implement significant changes to the mode selection process.

Darkboi98105 predicts Fortnite: Reload’s potential success and impact on the gaming industry.

SamiTheAnxiousBean prefers separate modes for distinct gameplay experiences but suggests improvements in organizing the ranked versions.

mrnapolean1 is content with the current mode setup and sees no need for significant changes.