Fortnite Community Outrage Over Screen Obstruction Issue with Contrail

The Fortnite community is in an uproar over a contrail that obstructs 80% of the screen. See why players are demanding a fix.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Fortnite community is buzzing with discontent over a particular contrail that has been causing frustrations among players. The contrail in question obscures a significant portion of the screen, making gameplay challenging and visually unappealing.


  • Players frustrated with screen obstruction caused by contrail
  • Debate over contrail as feature or bug
  • Suggestions to fix or work around the issue

Player Frustrations

Players expressed their frustration at the contrail obstructing gameplay, comparing it to amateur designs and calling for transparency to address the issue.

Debate Over Feature vs. Bug

Some players argued that the contrail should be kept as is, considering it a feature that adds challenge, while others demanded a fix, highlighting the hindrance it poses to gameplay.

Suggested Solutions

Various suggestions were offered, such as adjusting camera angles, avoiding the contrail altogether, or requesting Epic Games to intervene and make the contrail transparent to enhance visibility.

The uproar over the contrail issue in Fortnite emphasizes the community’s passion for the game and desire for optimal gameplay experiences, sparking lively debates and calls to action for improvements.