Fortnite Community Raises Their Voices: Bring Our Boats Back

Fans of Fortnite demand the return of boats - a fun, flexible feature greatly missed in recent gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite, the global gaming phenomenon, keeps its users on their toes, rotating weapons and mobility options. Lately, there’s yearning for yachts, specifically the return of boats to the Fortnite landscape.


  • Users highlight the map’s water bodies obstructing smooth navigation and believe boats can circumvent this.
  • Boats are remembered fondly for their fun, versatile and forceful features.
  • The community also expressed their longing for other certain mobility options like choppers and pro fishing rods.

Wishful Waves

Reddit user Udbdhsjgnsjan mentions that ‘Lots of water cut across the map,’ creating obstacles. Another gamer, SolarFlr2k20, provides a solution, suggesting that ‘Maybe we can have boat bodies we can choose like we choose for cars.’

Hope Floats

Overall-Scientist846 gives a sliver of hope, hinting at a possible return of boats thanks to an existing gas pump at a fishing station in the game. They mused, ‘So there’s a chance.’

Nostalgia Nods

00barbaric nostalgically misses ‘the chopper’, another mobility option. Even if the boat was admittedly rarely used, banjoface123 insists ‘Sometimes they were fun, just firing missiles into random buildings.’

Tying it all together, this discussion highlights how Fortnite’s flexible features keep the gameplay dynamic for its diverse and vibrant community. The call for boats demonstrates how the community collectively reminisces and rallies for beloved aspects of the game. And while we don’t have a guarantee of their return, one thing’s for sure – this interactive community isn’t afraid to rock the boat.