Fortnite Community Split on Ending the Current Meta

The Fortnite community debates the end of the current meta, divided between those enjoying it and those ready for change.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players have been sharing their thoughts on the current meta in the subreddit, with mixed reactions pouring in. Some players are enjoying the current state of affairs, while others are eager for a shake-up in gameplay.


  • Players are divided on the dominance of Auto Shotguns and Snipers in the current meta.
  • Some are optimistic about potential changes for a new meta, hoping for a return to pump-shotgun dominance.
  • There’s a debate on the necessity of particular weapons in gameplay, with variations in playstyles.
  • The sentiment reflects a desire for more diverse gameplay experiences within the Fortnite community.

Mixed Reactions to the Meta

Player ‘MuscleManRule34’ commends the post author for their positive outlook amidst a subculture known for its complaints, highlighting differing attitudes within the community.

Commenter ‘Defiant_Ad5116’ criticizes the current meta, attributing the issues to quick scoping and drum mags, advocating for a change in the weapon dominance.

‘ST-TrexX45’ expresses anticipation for the meta shift, finding the current state challenging, emphasizing the impact of weapons on gameplay experiences.

Diversity in Playstyle

‘Luigi156’ argues for the flexibility in loadouts and playstyles, suggesting that skilled players can succeed with unconventional weapon choices, promoting diverse gameplay approaches.

In contrast, ‘Perculiar3’ reflects on the historical presence of one-shot snipers in previous seasons, drawing comparisons to the current meta’s challenges and acknowledging the potential for change.

‘Megatf’ humorously recalls a scenario highlighting the risks and rewards of weapon choices, showcasing the importance of gameplay decisions in intense moments.

Yearning for Change

‘Everlasting_convo23’ shares frustration over the current meta’s gameplay dynamics, expressing a desire for a more balanced and engaging experience, resonating with players seeking a shift in the game’s meta.

However, some users like ‘Hedgeinator’ humorously sum up their sentiments with a simple ‘skill issue,’ reflecting on the varying skill levels and perspectives within the Fortnite player base.

The diverse range of opinions and experiences within the Fortnite community highlights the complexity of meta discussions and gameplay preferences, showcasing the constant dialogue among players about the evolving landscape of the game.