Fortnite Community’s Hunt for New Moderators – A Close Look at Emerging Discourse

An inside look at the unfolding discourse in the Fortnite community following a call for moderator applications.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Fortnite community is abuzz with the latest call to arms by the game’s official body, inviting applications to become moderators. This comes as a welcome direction for those looking to get more involved.


  • The moderators made a clear call to fans announcing open slots for becoming part of the team.
  • Requirements, such as age, Reddit account age, and Discord activity, were laid down as ground rules.
  • However, concerns with accessing the application form have been raised.

Community Response

As expected, the community had varied responses. User FORTNITE-STW– appeared enthusiastic, showing their appreciation for the more hands-on-deck approach. However, users like ambassinn and metrokilller28 showed less interest, with short and non-committal responses.

Barriers Hitting Potential Applicants

While the moderators’ move was rightfully seen as a positive decision overall, some roadblocks seem to be hindering the process. As noted by Martin__D, problems arose with accessing the application form. This issue might put off potentially interested fans, ultimately affecting the purpose of the initiative.

Deleted & Lost Comments

The discussion thread also contains deleted or lost comments. While it’s common in many online community spaces, this noticeable silence raises a question — is there leeway for expressing less popular opinions, or is this a case of users self-censoring for fear of community backlash?

There we have it, folks! In the world of Fortnite, recruiting a diverse set of new moderators is currently an exciting and hot topic. While the general sentiment seems positive, there are few speed bumps along the way. But knowing the Fortnite community, they’ll band together to iron out those kinks—game on!