Fortnite: Community’s Most Wanted Skins and Favorite Choices Revealed

Join the Fortnite community as they discuss their favorite skins and the ones they are eager to see in the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the exciting world of Fortnite, players are buzzing with anticipation as they talk about their most beloved skins or the ones they are eagerly waiting to see in the game. From Iron Man to Masterchief and even Optimus Prime, the possibilities are endless. Let’s dive into the Reddit thread to see what the community is raving about!


  • Players are excited about the potential for crossover skins like Transformers and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  • Some players express regret for missing out on exclusive skins like Helsie and Pack Leader Highwire.
  • There is a mixed sentiment towards popular skins like Darth Vader, with some finding them boring to play with.

Iron Man, Masterchief, and Optimus Prime

The subreddit is abuzz with excitement as users express their interest in having iconic characters like Iron Man, Masterchief, and Optimus Prime added as skins. These popular heroes from different universes have captured the imagination of gamers, creating a sense of anticipation for possible collaborations.

Exclusive Skins and Missed Opportunities

Many players share their disappointment at missing out on exclusive skins like Helsie and Pack Leader Highwire. The feeling of regret is palpable as they recount the moments they wish they had acquired these unique additions to their collection.

Mixed Reactions to Darth Vader

While some players appreciate having skins like Darth Vader in their collection, others express dissatisfaction with the character’s lack of excitement in gameplay. The contrasting opinions highlight the subjective nature of player preferences when it comes to popular skins.

The Fortnite community’s enthusiasm for new skins and their nostalgia for classic characters make for engaging discussions and exciting possibilities for future updates. Whether it’s a hero from a beloved franchise or an exclusive skin that got away, players’ passion for customization and personalization shines through in their conversations.