Fortnite Customizations: Getting to Grips with the Trap Wheel

Dive into the Fortnite community's take on adjusting the trap wheel to better fit their gaming style.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gamers in the vibrant world of Fortnite recently sparked a discussion on the customization of traps in the often overlooked trap wheel. The chatter made its rounds to dedicated Fortnite players, each offering unique takes on how to make the most of their trap inventory.


  • Players expressed their frustration with the trap wheel’s lack of customization.
  • Users discussed workarounds to deal with filling up inventory space efficiently.
  • Several players were astonished to discover the existence of a trap wheel.

User Insights

Not to be overlooked in the sea of opinions was a gem from KusMijn, who voiced frustration about the impracticality of carrying every trap and its impact on his backpack space. Owing to his private storage being full, feeling the pinch of limited space was very real for him.

Newbie player mat0___, who started gaming in 2018, hilariously discovered he had been oblivious to the trap wheel all along. He reacted with enthusiasm to this newfound realization, crafting a chuckling moment all will remember.

Workarounds and Tips

llamajuice offered one of the more practical solutions to the ever-changing organization of the trap wheel. According to him, the ‘swap build material’ button does wonders when cycling is hell-bent on making your life difficult.

In an elaborate post, MaxPolokov proposed limiting the usage of unique floor, ceiling, and wall traps to ensure some level of control over the randomness.

Gameplay Impact

The inability to customize the trap wheel, as well as its random shuffling each time, was clearly an annoyance in the community. It not only impacts users’ gameplay experience but also poses challenges when they need to use traps most effectively in the game.

This conversation has demystified that while the colorful universe of Fortnite provides thrilling adventure escapes, it not without its quirks and hitches. Yet, it seems clear that part of the pleasure lies within the game’s community standing together, exchanging tips, talking shop, and even discovering new features together. Is not that what gaming community is all about? What a fortful night it is indeed.