Fortnite Dilemma: The Medallions Debate in Battle Royale

Is carrying a medallion worth it in Fortnite? The community is divided, with strong opinions on both sides.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are in a heated debate over the value of carrying medallions in-game. One player, ajefri, voiced their frustration at the disparity between paying gold bars for a bounty and the free service medallions provide to all players. This sparked a discussion within the community.


  • Some players see medallions as a hindrance, preferring to hunt down those who carry them.
  • Others believe medallions offer strategic advantages that can speed up their gameplay.
  • Many players agree that medallions have been significantly nerfed, impacting their usefulness in matches.
  • The risk-reward mechanic of medallions splits opinions within the community.

Divisive Opinions

One player, Kerfuffle6996, pointed out that bounties are a paid service, contrasting the free information provided by medallions. BayrithR reminisced about the medallions being more valuable in the past and suggested interesting new abilities for collecting them. However, I2ed3ye highlighted how medallions now pale in comparison to shield items, emphasizing the drastic nerf.

Strategic Impact

Players like Zealousideal-Tax6402 find carrying medallions beneficial for gameplay pace, whether for or against them. Cheeseybacon11 mentioned the usefulness of medallions in team modes for spotting groups easily, while also acknowledging their limited utility in solo or duo matches.

Risk-Reward Balance

TransdemError appreciated the risk-reward mechanic of medallions, highlighting the subjective nature of their value. Forward_Number293 and randomalt9999 find value in using medallions strategically at specific moments in a match, while others, like Infinite_Progress_26, prefer the challenge of actively seeking out opponents on the map.

The Fortnite community’s debate over medallions reflects the diverse playstyles and opinions within the game. While some players view them as a hindrance, others see them as a strategic tool to enhance their gameplay. The continuous tweaking of medallion mechanics by developers adds another layer to this ongoing discussion, ensuring that the debate remains lively and engaging among players.